TRENDSS project

The Roadmap for Educators in Digital Soft Skills -TRENDSS Project was brought to life as a prompt response to the digital shift in educational paradigms generated by the pandemic. The 2-year-long project is funded by ERASMUS.

The transnational consortium of the TRENDSS project consists of 6 partner organizations from Hungary, Poland, Greece, Croatia, Romania and Georgia, and they are all experienced actors in adult education (trainers, coaches, mentors, teacher trainers, professors, youth workers training young adults and support staff).
The members of the consortium have already established practices of working both face-to-face and online to exchange good practices, to experiment and support each other as a community.

The novelty of the TRENDSS project lies in its integrated approach of recognizing the need for different pedagogical approaches in the digital era and in instantly responding to the current issues in the educational paradigm shift by focusing on an area of its members’ expertise: soft skill development.


Innovations for Digital Soft Skills development

Our innovation project consists of 6 intellectual outputs:

  1. “Roadmap” – E-learning Course (9+1 asynchronous and interactive e-learning modules to develop soft skills for digital instruction.)
  2. Methodological Guidelines – E-book (Theoretical framework describes the specific competencies and approaches of digital education.)
  3. Exercises for online classes (Practical and engaging exercises, tips, activites for the digital classroom.)
  4. Selection of popular software for educators (How can you leverage the engaging functions of some well-known apps?)
  5. TRENDSS digital platform with FREE resources (The repository of all the intellectual output results, free resources, our contact platform, regular blog posts and news, surveys, assessment test, polls.)
  6. Video Tutorials (Practical tips and tutorials on how to create engaging educational videos simply and how to overcome your camera-shyness.)

As part of our innovation project, we regularly work together online but occasionally we also have chances to meet in person when we can bring our collaboration to a higher level. We have 4 Learning Teaching Training Events in our project to share our results and good practices with each other. We also use these special opportunities to develop our innovations and explore new tools, methods, technologies, and of course to learn about other cultures as well.

Glimpses of the TRENDSS Project Team in Croatia

Based on research findings digital transformation is less about technology and more about people. In the post-pandemic era we see that digital instruction is here to stay. The new situation requires new approaches and new solutions. TRENDSS team is leading for innovations to enable educators to improve their soft skills to conduct engaging online sessions.
WHAT's the takeaway?
Since being digitally literate is not enough, educators also need to develop new soft skills. TRENDSS offers different innovative solutions, such as 6 cutting-edge intellectual outputs which include FREELY ACCESIBLE TOOLS AND RESOURCES, DOWNLOADABLE PDFs on new pedagogical methods to support educators to create engaging online sessions and courses.
HOW can you access our FREE resources?
We offer all digital educators (teachers, trainers, mentors, coaches, teachers-in-traning, education staff) a wide variety of FREE LEARNING MATERIALS e.g., Video tutorials, Online games and exercises, Methodological guidelines, Using popular applications for educational purposes, E-learning course that you can access and download from the website:
WHO are we?
We are European trainers who faced similar challenges after Covid hit and started to brainstorm, research and innovate new tools to address the needs of educators during their digital transformation-journey. Our innovative ideas and plans received support and approval from Erasmus+ programs and now our work is being funded by the European Commission. We are organizing events to share our results and build a COMMUNITY FOR DIGITAL EDUCATORS.
WHERE can you join TRENDSS?
TRENDSS project is a blended program. We organize Conferences (in-person and online) to share our innovative results and best practices. On May 26 2022 we organize a CONFERENCE in Budapest, Hungary and on the 27 June 2022 in Karditsa, Greece. The interactive and hybrid events will bring together speakers from 6 different countries to share personal and professional experiences and innovations on digital transformation. Admission is free but REGISTRATION is required.
The Consortium Partners

YESYOUCAN Training & Coaching Kft. – Hungary

Non Formal Education Youth Centre SUNNY HOUSE – Georgia

Helix – Social Innovation Hub – Greece

Fundacja Culture Shock – Poland

Udruga Delta – Croatia

NEA – Romania

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