Skills for teams - empowerment of staff for a better performance

Programme: Erasmus+
Project code: 2020-1-PL01-KA204-082164
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education

Topics: Health and wellbeing; Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits); Quality Assurance



Over years of functioning we established teams composed of professionals, creative people with vision with different expertise. We see, that our predicaments were recognized in global dimension by worldwide and european research centres of OECD or International Labour Organisation as well as expert literature of lifelong learning, what gives us a spectrum of current and desired situation in adult education challenges for educators, managers, volunteers, activists and other staff members. After internal analysis we observed challenges, which non formal education workers have to deal with. Due to multidimensional role of people working in education(oftentimes being both coordinator/fundraiser/accountant/coach/mentor/PR/promo manager/logistical support) are the most overburdened despite being elementary ,,puzzle” in a success of organisation.

Core aim of our project is:
Expertise exchange among the consortium staff of non formal sector projects working with diverse audience, aiming at recognizing, analyzing and enhancing their competencies in order to foster accuracy of their daily work in line with needs of their target groups.
We plan to reach it by following objectives:

  • Present innovative technologies&management tools


  • soft skills,self-awareness
  • self-branding and entrepreneurial skills
  • awareness about:
  • activist burnout&provide strategies to combat it
  • different factors impacting quality of work


  • competencies within multidimensional role of. org workers&leadership
  • dynamic, energy, flow and communication of org. teams in daily work
  • design a customized program of development with recommendations based on org. profile
  • support prof. growth&prevent retrain of professionals
  • develop instruments to monitor effectiveness and quality learning process for target groups, tracking impact&progress of adult learners
  • recognize differences in multi level approach adult education (management, programs design, activities delivery, evaluation etc.)
  • promote Erasmus+ among adult learners and their educators together with creating positive picture of EU programs and values
  • open a space for long term partnership for experienced and new orgs.
  • break stereotypes, learn about cultural differences, provide a space for backstage discussions about matters of interest of participants

Participants – 16 participants per one joint satff meeting age 30+, who are the closest co workers of the partners orgs., by participating in 19 months long project on national and international level will become more empowered adult education workers. By used coaching, NVC, simulations, embodied training and diverse nonformal methods participants will raise their self esteem and self awareness, will know how to recognize and prevent burnout symptoms, will be able to take care of themselves and react in stressful situations, will know how their well being and professional both with personal form affects their environment and their performance. By using multiple methods of non formal learning they will learn how to approach to confrontations and avoid escalation of negative emotions.Participants will be familiar with cultural differences amongst potential learners they will work with, differences between biological and physical gender, how to work with LGBTQ communities,they will be trained in coaching methods and self-coaching, so they will be able to use them in their daily work with adults

On each of these level, on micro and macro scale we expect to share positive models and patterns developed throughout the project in order to minimize dichotomizes in standards and quality of work of education staff, but take advantage of differences and unique profiles of organisations/individual beneficiaries taking into account cultural, national, historical, economic, political, industrial and geographical variables.
Combining the very specific strengths of our partners guarantees a cross-sectorial input and variety of angles, practices and approaches to adult learning on the path to more effective and successful lifelong learning impact enhancement.


Fundacja Culture Shock, Warsaw, Poland


Voluntariat Zavod za Mednarodno prostovoljno delo, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Helix – Social Innovation Hub, Karditsa, Greece
Asociacion Amgos de Europa, Lucena, Spain

The Skills for Teams project is co-financed by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union and will be implemented from February 2022 to February 2024. This website and the project’s content reflects the views of the authors and the European Commision cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

(Project Code: 2020-1-PL01-KA204-082164)